O’Neill’s Facilities and Waste Management Ltd

O’Neill’s Facilities and Waste Management Ltd

May 2023 will be remembered for the historical Coronation of King Charles III. Therefore, how could I not feel a sense of excitement when heading across “The Prince of Wales Bridge” into our South Wales Territory. This bridge now symbolises something new; it no longer represents Prince Charles. This bridge now represents Prince William and the next generation. I truly hope for Wales that it represents succession, the strength of new beginnings and opportunity.

I grew up in Reading and went to University in Bristol, so I have very little experience of Wales. Admittedly having a brother at Swansea University and friends at Cardiff means I am very familiar with the Welsh night life. Welsh industries, economics, the pride they have of their heritage and customs is something I am becoming keen to respect and learn.  My first “Holt JCB “experience of Wales, was 9months ago when tasked with the opportunity to support the Holt JCB Port Talbot Team, in setting up their stand for the Pembrokeshire Show. This was my first ever show. I was there for the duration. It was here that I realised Holts isn’t a business, Holts is a family, its staff and indeed its Customers make it so. I know I frequently reference my graduate status; it is deliberate. Studies don’t prepare you for the relationships with colleagues and customers you become dependent upon. It is these relationships that are molding me. I am truly proud of that.

The excitement of this journey was mixed with trepidation and intrigue. I was heading to a site visit at O’Neill’s Facilities and Waste Management Ltd, to meet Managing Director Richard O’Neill. Following several conversations in advance of our meeting, I knew I would gain a warm welcome. Despite this, I had an overwhelming feeling of “Imposter Syndrome”. After all, what on earth do I truly know about Waste Management? It seems appropriate to take this opportunity to “crow bar” into this article the “JCB WasteMaster” Fleet. I have learnt much in recent months about this extensive range, interested by how” JCB understand the unique requirements of waste and recycling.” I know it is a growing industry and has a purposeful “Diversion from Landfill” responsibility, driven by Government policy, Climate change and most definitely the personal responsibility felt by companies like Richards. But the actual intricate details of such a vast industry… not a clue!

As I arrived at their site in Tundo, Bridgend, my initial response was the alarm I felt by the presence of a security gate and the necessity to “announce oneself” to the (very cheery) Security Guard. This was a Paper Mill which produced toilet rolls, not Windsor Castle. It is only as I reflect back, I realise how naïve these feelings were. The vast responsibility of this site I now fully appreciate. On arrival it was my idea of “branding heaven”. “FWM FACILITIES WASTE MANAGEMENT” in white type on a backing of deep royal navy could not be missed. Distracted by this, I mistakenly entered the Operators “mess room”, confusing it for the reception. I’m pleased I did, nothing beats a warm Welsh welcome. The Team was disarming, friendly and keen to point me to the offices upstairs. Since joining Holt JCB, it has been impressed upon me to always treat the operators and engineers with the upmost respect, they are incredibly skilled individuals that truly command this. It was this team; I was about to gain much respect for through my interview with Richard their MD.

Mike, FWM’s business Safety Manager and Hayley, an experienced Account Manager greeted me with equal warmth. Mike travels in from the Midlands, so we had a customary chat about the Welsh weather. It is meeting the team that gives the greatest insight to any business and its success. I knew this was going to be a positive day.

Richards boundless energy and passion for the waste industry was intoxicating. Evidently “imposter syndrome” need not have been a concern. His enthusiasm was contagious. Before I had taken my seat, I found myself wanting to hear everything about the industry he has worked within over the last 20years. Whilst I made myself comfortable, the first thing that struck me was he had no desire to close the door, he was open and proud of his Industry Sector. I sensed he wanted his Colleagues to hear the pride he has in his team and the work they carry out. Richard is an open book, a characteristic I warmed to immediately. He was about to take me on a voyage of waste management discovery.

Richard is from London; his wife is Welsh and his children were born in Wales so he is certainly “Welsh” by default. Most of our Customers have a construction heritage, not Richard. His background is Business Finance. Managing a Business Branch in Cardiff for Lloyds, was the catalyst for his journey into Welsh life and the Waste industry. As a Financial Business Adviser, he recognised the opportunities within Waste Management and took a leap of faith. So here we have it; a Londoner with no construction heritage YET vastly knowledgeable about his industry, business strategy and the delivery of customer service. I could see why FACILITIES is the first word of the branding. Richard is the ultimate “Facilitator”. Richard didn’t seem to know where to start when describing his business model. Evidently keen to get everything across with equal importance and not wanting to leave any stone unturned. Notes from our meeting are slightly discombobulated, however if I had known the demonstration his Operators were about to deliver, utilising his JCB fleet, I would not have need worry. The display spoke volumes.

FWM offices are based here at Tundo, its business reach is across the UK with multiple site responsibilities as far as Scotland. Richards Waste Management foundations were built in Ireland and from here his portfolio of experience engulfed a multitude of waste management business exposures; Research and Development programs, Steel works, Medical Companies, Specialist suppliers, aviation, waste to gas, incineration and complex and often volatile material handling. Each of these sectors benefitted from Richard and his team’s keen interest in Waste Management KPI’s and how their consultancy and system analysis has successfully reduced waste output through operation integrity. These waste reduction achievements have been through the implementation of their considered systems and controls through waste audit programs which they purposefully develop for their customers. This is supported by Hayley advising Customers through contract management of insurance, permits and compliance.

This vast experience across the UK has built the business relationships which are the key to FWM’s success. Richard has built FWM by creating a reliable network which his Customers can also rely upon for delivery. There is an evident respect for all of their suppliers from early payment of invoices through to collaborative business referrals. This has led to vast diversification for FWM. They arrive on their customers site to manage business waste and without exception further waste facilitation responsibilities are required of them, for all aspects of business, even sourcing Christmas Trees! Richard doesn’t need to ever say “no”, he is able to facilitate any business requests related to his industry sector because of his dependable supplier network and desire to deliver.

We scurried down a rabbit warren, looking at google maps of the site we were on. Discussing the intricacies of paper manufacturing, the pulp, the dust particles, bio security, site safety necessities and water diverted via the local river. Personal experience has driven Richard’s obsessions with site safety in a heavily compliant industry, where the 1000T’s of waste movement is quite literally inconceivable. The transparency of which is unmatched in any Industry. I feel Richard’s background in Finance has positioned him well. Compliance is in his blood. He fully utilises every aspect of his business to demonstrate transparency. JCB LiveLink is an example of this. Through his close scrutiny of this JCB Telematics system, Richard is able to report all machine functionalities and compliance. The JCB LiveLink Telematics helps to facilitate IOP compliance accreditation.

Richards Team of Operators were busy, yet keen to demonstrate their own Operator capabilities but also that of their JCB machine fleet. Outside was mind blowing. Humungous toilet rolls on site awaiting disposal. This was a truly exciting proposition, a marketeer’s dream!! The JCB 541-70 lifted the waste cubes and the JCB 409 loading shovel was utilised. The JCB 560-80 Telehandlers lifting capabilities were showcased handling the vast weight of the giant-sized toilets roles. The JCB 86c excavator was certainly utilising its full specification and Operator skills, peeling back paper and dumping vast volumes into the silo. Whilst watching the paper being dumped in the silo, it’s amazing to think the output will be utilised for cow bedding at local farms. An initiative driven by Richard and his team.

Having visited JCB Kevin Quarry several times, I have become accustomed to fleet displays. Nothing can compare to this working example. It was raw. How can I truly showcase these examples? I have taken the decision to share multiple videos across social media over the coming weeks. This demonstrates the truly diverse use expected of their JCB machine fleet. Words simply will not do justice to this complex industry sector; Richard’s stewardship is commendable. However, it has to be noted that the Operators described the JCB fleet in true Welsh character as “tidy”. I asked Richard “why JCB’s?” His answer was simple. The culture of Holt JCB alone sold the product.

Richard and his team are excited about their expansion plans. In the next 12months they will be doubling in size as they continue to work in partnership with businesses with “Diversion from Landfill” policies through strategic KPI’s. FWM contract delivery is focused on taking responsibility for the reduction of waste year on year. This is an essential aspect of their business culture. FWM do not consider themselves to be simply waste disposal experts. They are committed to waste reduction. They want to position themselves as part of the solution. It was a fantastic opportunity for me to understand the Waste industry and JCB application.

There could not have been a better person to outline this growing and essential sector that is working to safe guard our future environment. A huge thank you to Richard and his team for enlightening me.

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