SITE SUNDAY with Neve Hudson - Rocket Rentals!

SITE SUNDAY with Neve Hudson - Rocket Rentals!

This week’s Site Sunday, turned out to be a truly positive and exhilarating roller coaster ride. I spent an afternoon with Simon Tomblin, Managing Director of Rocket Rentals. Simon’s energy, passion for the industry as a whole and drive for positive change is respected within Holt JCB. He was to demonstrate how lucky we are that 95% of this Industry are passionate about what we do. That “Customer is still King” and communication, whilst doing things properly, are fundamental. Simon has grabbed the Hire and Tool industry with both hands.

Arriving at Rocket Rentals, it was immediately evident that variety was key to their business success. The purpose-built site is impressive. Proudly adorned on the building frontage, I admired the respected company name “ROCKET RENTALS” and also “PLANT” “ACCESS” “TOOL HIRE”. I was soon to learn, like everything Simon does, this signage was purposeful, positioning them as a “One Stop Shop”. I was delighted by the greeting offered by their black Labrador Islay. Jessica Tomblin, Simon’s wife is warmly spoken of, so I was grateful for the opportunity to meet her. Jessica and the office team were busy positioning the additional desks required for their continued expansion. I was to learn that this space was once their Tool Hire Centre, having opened in 2018. Within a year it had won accreditation at the Executive Hire Show, success creating the necessity to move to a bigger standalone building on their site, as it continues to thrive.

As we stood in this developing space, Simon and Jessica were incredibly hospitable, sharing with me the multiple Bamford signed pictures of JCB machines, charitably bought to raise money for NSPCC. I was already aware of their generosity and passion for supporting charitable causes within their local communities. It becomes obvious to me why they are regarded as so approachable. Their success is evident, but I truly believe a natural understanding and respect for community is a special quality and one they share. As the discussion of pictures continued, Simon shared a black and white childhood photo of himself and his brother Guy, stood in a bucket of a JCB 3C. It is with the JCB 3C that the Tomblin family began their allegiance to the JCB brand. Simon explains; “when you are a young boy, brought up amongst plant machinery, you have a feeling of “wow” about a JCB”.  It is interesting to learn that Ken Tomblin, Simon’s father, in his youth worked for Johnathan Blanch, owner of Creoda. Jonathan is another well respected customer of Holt JCB, who also manages an impressive JCB fleet, with his wife Jenny. I am becoming familiar with the wonderful tapestry of this industry, and the intertwined businesses. Ken having worked for Creoda, went on to start his own Operator Plant Rental business; Bison Plant. Bison Plant has also become expansive, and is where Guy works alongside Ken. I spotted a vintage JCB photo due to be hung, a JCB Excavator sign written “Meek Group Plc”, another family connection. Simons Step Father, David Meek was the Owner of Meeke Group Plc. Simon explained that Steve Case is Operating the machine in this picture and I was fascinated to learn Steve is a cherished member of Rocket Rentals, working in their plant haulage team. I have been here only a few minutes and already I can understand why Rocket Rentals is so highly regarded within the Industry. The foundations are deep, Plant Hire is in Simon’s blood.

Rocket Rentals started in 2003 with eight new JCB 10.5m 533-105 Telehandlers, supplied by Holt JCB. Simon’s goal from the outset was to offer 20 of every machine they ran, and to become a “One Stop Shop”. Simon’s specification choices were not traditional of the Plant Hire Industry. 15yrs ago Rocket Rental were offering Quick Hitches on their Mini Diggers which was simply unheard of. Simon respecting the operator and their working environment ensured radios were standard, again a rarity in a hire machine of the era. Simon simply states “Why wouldn’t you want to look after the driver?” This cultural regard for the Operator continues. The foundations of the business are its considered fleet renewal programmes, and never saying no to a customer’s hire requirements. This mindset ensures Rocket Rentals offers best in class and enables Simon to explore the market sector, be reactive to change and offer their customers the latest in technology and specification. It’s “all in the detail”. Rocket Rentals Customers receive 5 buckets instead of competitors positioning 3. Full safety features, Rotating circuits and blades. Details which I know are important to Simon.

Simon is a huge advocate of preventative maintenance, its good business sense. Clean fuel is a passion project. An integral part of their PDI is ensuring their fleet leaves with clean fuel. Simon is meticulous and wants to ensure that fuel contamination is not a problem for his customers. Prior to leaving for hire, each machine has the fuel filtered through a “Fuel Active system”, removing any particulates and refilled back to the machine.  Rocket Rentals Fleet also have integrated Fuel Active systems in each machine. As I understand it, this additional security takes the fuel from the top of the tank rather than the bottom, ensuring any heavy contamination remains at the bottom of the fuel tank and is not taken through the filters to the engine. Once again, protecting customers from costly down time. This is an example of Simon thinking about the small details, to maximise his customers productive time throughout the hire.

Acquisition and Retention is a subject of interest, not only to marketeers but is an essential consideration for MD’s. Simon explained “Retention is easy, acquisition is harder. I understand that the perspective of a customer would be; why pay for a service you haven’t experienced yet? However, when Customers do decide to experience a hire contract from us, we maintain that loyalty.” This observation is simple to qualify when considering the number of Customers who have maintained their Fleet Hire Contracts, since the birth of Rocket Rentals. I couldn’t resist asking, “Rocket Rentals? What inspired the name?” the answer; “Rental isn’t rocket science, and our address, “Area 51” is a bit of fun.”

When I consider typing the details of Simons extensive JCB Fleet for Hire, I have an involuntary intake of breath, similar to when you are about to leap off a diving board. The JCB hire opportunities include a JCB Excavator range 1.8T to a 22T, did I mention the multiple buckets? By choosing the JCB Vibratory Tandem Rollers, Simons high regard for the operator is evident. This JCB Compaction range has ease of use and high consideration for operator ergonomics and safety. The JCB Telehandler isn’t just about sentiment, after all for Simon, this is where it started, and has become a model range to be proud of. This has developed to a JCB Telehandler fleet, ranging from multiple 4m through to 20m options. Simon on behalf of his customers favours the single lever joystick, fork positioners, twin cameras and twin beacon. Once again, no compromise on specification.  

Site Dumpers, undoubtedly a product range where Simon is not only passionate but extremely informed.  As a member of the “Strategic Forum for Construction Plant Safety Group” Simon is humbled to have been involved in the transformation of and influencing, Safety policy. Their vision was to create guidelines for improving and implementing best practice safety standards for Dumpers.  This vision has been respectfully welcomed. It is no wonder that Simon feels a synergy for the JCB SiteSafe Dumper, and the dumper range JCB offer. I quickly recognise that my industry naivety simply cannot do justice to the vast work and time spent by this steering group. Simon speaks of his involvement with great passion whilst keen to demonstrate the number of influential people who drove change, this was a project that shows ultraism. This was not a Committee joined for business networking or raising Rocket Rentals profile. It was formed as a proposition for members “to give back” and safe guard the future of an Industry that is integral to every industry sector.  It is therefore no surprise Simon runs a full range of site dumpers. The JCB 6T and 9T “Site Safe” dumper, offers a fully air-conditioned cab with side impact protection, ensuring the operator remains safe in the event of an accident. Simon also specified the high visibility skip, allowing the operator unrivalled visibility when manoeuvring at full capacity. Once again, an example of Rocket Rentals insistence to offer a range of machines that are the safest the industry has to offer.

Throughout this journey with Rocket Rentals, it is obvious to me that when Simon sees a market opportunity he embraces it, and invests heavily to ensure his “one stop shop” ethos continues. The impressive range of JCB generators available to his customers, again is an important part of his offering.  From stand by power to prime power, trailer mounted to static, the product offering available continues to overwhelm me. Patrick our Generator Specialist cannot be torn away from a Rocket Rentals site visit. They are both similar in their “devil is in the detail approach” and clearly have lots to discuss.

Respectfully I should be bias to the JCB brand, referencing this element of the business only. When speaking with Simon, one can’t help being carried along the “One Stop Shop” journey, it is enticing. Undoubtedly his JCB fleet is impressive. But how could I not admire the well-considered “PLANT” “ACCESS” “TOOL HIRE” range available to their Customers. Many items are completely unexpected, (again) demonstrating that Simon and his team think of everything. A customer experience from a “Wall paper stripper to a 22T Excavator”. With the search function of their company website, one could almost play “Simon says find a…..” I’d be surprised if you were disappointed by the range available. Representing my generations website culture, and a generation respectful of Mary Poppins Carpet bag with “a spoonful of Rocket Rentals customer service sugar.”  A medicine we should all be prescribed.

Undoubtedly the” One Stop Shop” ethos is the driving force of their business model. Never saying “No” to a customer requirement, was truly put to the test during Covid. Businesses desperate to keep their sites open, and their workforces busy, were turning to Simon for support. Support Simon humbly gave. The comradery he has with his customers lead to diversification during this time. License’ sought for delivery and disposal of aggregate, remembered with a smile. Simon launched into anecdotes about how the industry pulled together to support those who couldn’t work, and those who needed to. This Industry is a community. The working from home culture is not one Simon personally embraces. I can see why. No matter which cogs you are, integration is key to the success of their business. There are so many forms of communication through varying messaging that Simon’s preference is verbal conversation, that’s what builds relationships and maintains them.

Taking this professional communicative approach has created a deeper insight into the specific business needs of their customer. It is firmly understood that within the Hire Industry you cannot let anyone down. “Understanding our customers business culture and kit speaks for itself.” Knowing Industry pressure points positions a holistic approach when advising specification and effective delivery scheduling. This professional courtesy is extended to daily scheduling calls which create transparency. An opportunity to explain in detail Hire Insurance policies, fuelling and their hire contract. Simon is proud of the inter department consideration and collaboration his team extend to each other. Customer service is paramount to all of them.

The arrival of Sean Campbell brought a jovial atmosphere to our meeting. Once again, a competitor coffee mug supplied and I realise Site Sunday is going to cost me a fortune in JCB mugs. Sean has been a Territory Sales Manager for Holt JCB for 25 years. Simon immediately began to recollect the time Alan Coombes, Sean’s predecessor first introduced them, leading them both off on a tangent. When I respectfully consider 25years ago, is 3 years before I was born, Simon’s business achievements within that timeframe staggeringly dawns on me. His relationship with Holt JCB is complemented by the mutual respect Simon and Sean clearly have for each other. Simon references the longevity of his relationship with many within Holt JCB. Equally Simon welcomes the strengthening relationships with the evolving Aftermarket teams at our Avonmouth and Cheltenham Depots. Simon is excited about the trajectory Holt JCB is on.

Simon, once again positions “business relationships need to be easy”. Simon promotes Rocket Rentals as a “One Stop Shop” and this needs to be reciprocated by his suppliers. Simon embraces the full support offered by Holt JCB, and the relationships with JCB Finance and JCB Insurance. David Crosby, Simons local JCB Finance Relationship Manager “Is fantastic, amazing!” a regular visitor. Their renewal plan never stops.  As a family run business Simon is aware that the responsibility lies with him, so he has to be reactive to business change. The JCB Finance App and the JCB Insurance App have been game changers, coupled with the “Boots on the ground” approach. Within the Hire Industry, Insurance needs to be one of transparency for their customer, to safe guard them and to safe guard Rocket Rentals. It’s something he feels his competitors often overlook. A personal relationship with Richard Chapman and Michael Gregory at JCB Insurance, have given Simon the ability to develop their insurance offering.

“One Stop Shop” is not always about the product alone, it is about the customer service and the support Simon is able to give to his Customers, to maximise the Plant machinery when on Hire. Simon is a massive advocate of Telematics and is suitably impressed by JCB LiveLink, “I couldn’t live without it” he exclaims. This again draws us back to “transparency” and how for Simon and his customers JCB LiveLink is a fundamental business management tool. The offering from JCB LiveLink allows Simon and his team to remotely manage his assets from the comfort of the office.  Managing fuel use, product location, AdBlue levels, machine location, geofencing, securing tracking to name a few. These are now integral to how this impressive machine fleet is managed. The passion this subject invokes makes me realise I need to learn more detail about JCB LiveLink, I have a huge responsibility to communicate the passion to all of our Customers. The integration of added security this offers to Rocket Rentals and their customers is integral to their business management. As technology develops, Rocket Rentals are at the forefront, ensuring the features of this impressive LiveLink system not only assist Rocket Rentals, but supports the product offering and security afforded to their customers. Demonstrating that communication is key. Simon also recognises that there are elements of Telematics that can’t physically support Customers. Even the on-board guides can sometimes bamboozle less experienced Operators. Simon utilises FaceTime to talk through specifications when customers are on site and needing advice, an example of Simon and the team continually placing themselves in their Customers shoes.

As our time came to a close, we were keen to gain some pictures. This is where the roller coaster ride began. I was introduced to wonderful Mel who manages the Hire Desk. I was pleased to hear she was also interested in “Insta worthy” shots of the JCB machines that were on site. These JCB’s represented only a fraction of the most recent fleet renewal programme. Mel inadvertently gave an insight into the team culture, suggesting we take an ariel shot from one of their cherry pickers. Mel was keen and so was I. This made me reflect on Simons earlier conversation about his valued team. “I have a firm but fare approach, I know I should say customers are the most important part of my business, but it is my team, after all I spend more time at work than with my own family, we all do.” Simon dashing around to ensure we had all the necessary safety equipment demonstrated his approachability and enthusiasm for doing the job right. We had a blast!!! I was brave and so was Mel as we went to dizzy heights gaining some brilliant footage.

It is evident that Simon lives and breathes what he does. I genuinely feel his business accreditations are more about the desire to give back than inflate his ego. He is an incredibly genuine business person and I felt a huge privilege spending time with Simon, Jessica, the Rocket Rentals team and Islay the dog. This visit has left me with a huge sense of responsibility. I have been inspired to grow my understanding of the multiple areas within the Industry that are important to our Customers. I realise it is important to represent my generation and to be part of the culture desiring sustainability within the Construction Industry. Thank you, Simon, for your undivided attention, I am incredibly respectful of this. It was an afternoon I will struggle to forget.

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